Spiders... I love them but not everyone agrees.....

The fear of spiders, known as arachnophobia, is a common phobia that many people experience. Several factors contribute to why people are scared of spiders:

1.     Evolutionary history: Some scientists believe that arachnophobia may have evolutionary roots. Throughout human history, encountering venomous spiders could have posed a real threat to our ancestors. Those who were cautious around spiders may have been more likely to survive and pass on their genes, leading to the development of a natural aversion to spiders.

2.     Appearance: Spiders have a distinctive appearance with their multiple legs and often hairy bodies. Their unusual and sometimes menacing appearance can trigger fear in some people.

3.     Venom: Many spiders are venomous and have the potential to harm humans. Even though the vast majority of spider species are not dangerous to humans, the fear of being bitten and experiencing pain or discomfort can contribute to arachnophobia.

4.     Lack of control: People may fear spiders because they perceive them as unpredictable and difficult to control. The sudden appearance of a spider can be startling, and the fact that it can quickly move in any direction can add to the fear.

5.     Cultural and social factors: Cultural stories, myths, and media portrayals often depict spiders as dangerous or malevolent creatures. These depictions can contribute to the fear of spiders and reinforce negative associations.

6.     Childhood experiences: Traumatic or negative experiences with spiders during childhood can also contribute to the development of arachnophobia. A single frightening encounter with a spider can leave a lasting impression.

7.     Generalised anxiety: Some individuals have a predisposition to anxiety or phobias, and this can extend to a fear of spiders or other animals. In such cases, the fear may not have a clear cause but is part of a broader pattern of anxiety.

It's important to note that not everyone is scared of spiders, and the intensity of the fear can vary greatly from person to person. While some people may experience mild discomfort or unease around spiders, others may have a debilitating fear that interferes with their daily lives. If arachnophobia is significantly affecting someone's quality of life, they may consider seeking help from a therapist or counselor who specialises in treating specific phobias. Various therapeutic approaches, such as exposure therapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy, can be effective in helping individuals manage and overcome their fear of spiders.

AromaTherapy Shed has a secret anti spider diffuser blend in development. We’re working with a client who is literally terrified of spiders and he’s a bio chemist so we’re working out the science - watch this space!

Emma Nash